Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Oh My

No, I do not have a Myspace page, I don't want to catch up with you on Twitter, and I absolutely refuse to drink the Facebook koolaid. (If you can get me an awesome job, I will, however, get LinkedIn with your ass.) If you're my friend or family member, I already keep up with you. It's what I'm best at. And I think this blog is more than enough public online presence. So pretty please stop asking me join your shit.

But DO send me links to your photos! I did not know this gem from my birthday had been public since July. Since it is too late to hide from the embarrassment, I thought it would be perfect to mock myself with some ghetto "Matrix" photoshop action! Thanks for putting this (and many other horrific moments) out there, Lori and Bree!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you know also know kung fu?