Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bucket List

My friend Mel is fond of calling me "Adventurer" and I suppose I am in many ways. I certainly have a "bucket" list of sorts that includes shooting a gun, snorkeling in crystal clear water and jet skiing.

Tonight I came across a folder of old photos from a past trip to Boise visiting my good friend Randy. (Hi, R! Miss you!) Included in the folder were some videos of our ice blocking shenanigans on Simplot’s Hill. The basic premise involved purchasing a 99 cent block of ice, hauling it to the top of this very large grassy hill and sliding down without breaking our neck. In short, it's just about the stupidest fun thing we could do for under a dollar. Be sure to give this adventure a shot next time you are longing for a summer sledding alternative.

Since we have the technology to finally share videos with ease, I thought you would all get a hoot out of these. The last video was shot while simultaneously attempting to keep my ass ON the tiny ice cube!

Oh, and I also thought you might like to know that some person "drew" a giant penis on the grass of the hill and it's pissing off the locals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come up to Boston. We can drive an hour north and shoot a gun together! It's on my list of stuff to do too!

Also twilight? Not good. I read all 4 books in like a week, and I hated myself a little more after each one... ugh