Tuesday, December 16, 2008

November Part I

This is going to be a quick November wrap up because it's already December 16th and my days are getting away from me faster than these guys ran the marathon.

So the first of the month consisted of a Saturday helping Beth and Ralph move to their new apartment while rocking a massive Halloween hangover. Sunday morning we all reconvened to watch our friends Brice and Nicole run past on 4th Ave in Brooklyn.

To celebrate their athletic achievement, the rest of us participated in the massive stomach stretching exercise of brunch. (I basically repeated my menu from PJ's birthday back in April. Needless to say, that whole diet thing isn't exactly working out.)

Later that night, my football team (The NY Vagiants) had a chili and beer night! Joining this random bunch of strangers was one of the best decisions I made all year long. It was a lot of fun!

Tuesday, November 4th brought most city folk (including me) a two hour wait to vote and expectations were running high. Thankfully, instead of mass suicide, all of New York was one giant fucking party! Cab drivers high-fived street celebrators and noisemakers, screaming, honking and general happiness abounded. Here's a video from my friend Adam that explains the vibe better than my meager silly blog words.

Also, this came to my email box the next day and I just loved it!
That weekend PJ came for a two day celebration and hang out. I finally got to check Lombardi's, America's first pizzeria, from my NYC list. It was pretty good, but I'm still a Grimaldi's gal.

After an evening with Kathleen Edwards at Carnegie Hall, PJ took Emily and I out for brunch at Dizzy's. (See what I mean about that diet thing?)

On the 11th I spent a night with The Devil's Rejects doing exactly what I anticipated.

Like playing "People Pong" against Team America.

And taking AWESOME photos like this! (Yes, some genius put crazy drunk kickball kids in the same bar as a mechanical bull!)

But that was the last bit of fun had for quite some time as my life was soon consumed with the unpacking, installation, and arguing with the artist of our upcoming exhibit. This is a photo I sneaked of his notebook (he's famous for filling journals) from the third day of installation.

Yeah, this about sums up my feelings on things too...

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