Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho-ly SANTACON! (2008 Edition)

December 13th was that time of year again. Time to dress like an idiot, spread holiday spirit, drink beer out of paper bags in public, and participate in the most ridiculous day long street performance called Santacon!

Sadly for me, the morning of the happiest day of the year began with Emily's big move. After five fun years together, she left our leaking tub and occasional mice infestation for a grown up apartment in Virginia. We thought it a fitting summary of our roommate relationship that in our final photo I'm dressed like an asshole while she holds a plunger.
Miss Farmer, I'm gonna miss you!

Thankfully I immediately drowned my sorrows in holiday shenanigans. This year, I brought two new Santas into the tradition. Here they are enjoying the first beer of the day.

Along our trek to Grand Central Station we encountered several clever holiday themed costumes.

We also posed for NYC themed photos to be used as Christmas cards.

Had my ambitions of snail mail holiday cheer been realized, my card would have read:
"Making a list and checking it twice makes me thirsty. Happy Holidays. Love Santa."

While relaxing with our beer, we watched this idiot climb to the top of the boat mast in South Street Seaport amidst cheers of "Santa's getting arrested! Santa's getting arrested!"

As the afternoon wore on, Santa convened, we got drunk, and we met some weirdos.

First of all, AJ and Martin were given little holiday gifts by a strange elf...at the urinal.

We conversed... briefly... with these super creepy Ninja Santas.

Jesus arrived on his cell phone to cries of "Happy Birthday" all around!

Martin, who was loudly called "Mexican Santa" by an obnoxious tourist mother, got a chance to hang out with fake Mexican Santa.

In addition to plenty of Santas practicing capoeira, DJ Santa and a break dance crew arrived on the scene for some light hearted entertainment.

I was thrilled to see that Santa can now forgo the ubiquitous brown paper bag in favor of festive appropriate beer cozies.

Santa then took a ride on the 4:30 Staten Island Ferry...

just in time to catch the December sunset on NYC harbour.

Mr. Hankey The Christmas Poo was spreading holiday cheer to residents of Staten Island.

Upon our return to Manhattan, at the corner of Canal and Lafayette, Santa could buy "Warm" Stuff.

However, this Santa decided to buy much needed dumplings instead.

After a few more bars (yes, more bars), Drunk Santa made a brief appearance at Sue's swanky 30th birthday / housewarming shin dig! Many apologies were said the nexy day!

All in all, it was a bittersweat drunken fun silly day. You can click here to see all 204 photos from the day! Ho! Ho! Ho!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your friend's place is sweet. i love her kitchen. or what i can see of it. i love the photo of you and emily even more. it reminds me of the story you told when you first moved into that apt while we were walking from the conference center in new orleans to find a sandwich in that weird sketchy area. i won't put the details here but it is still one of the funniest stories i have ever been told.